“Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain.. and most fools do.” – Dale Carnegie

Do you have a critical spirit or do you have a “can-do” spirit?

Or let me ask you the question in these terms: do you REPEL people from your life due to a CYNICAL nature, or do you ATTRACT people to your life due to a JOYFUL spirit and optimistic nature?

We are all either repelling people or attracting people. And a critical spirit is one of the most repelling characteristics of any human being. There are many damaging aspects to a critical nature, but I want to focus on a few major ones:

1. A damaging aspect of a critical spirit is that it prevents you from seeing and appreciating all the GOOD that GOD is actively doing in the world… and the PEOPLE he is using to bring about hope and change.

Invariably, Christians who spend the most time criticizing others are the same Christians who have no mission of their own. When you get consumed with the goodness of God in your life and are living for the mission of making disciples and serving others, it is hard to be critical. When you lack that purpose and mission in your life you find yourself constantly criticizing those who do. When we are overly critical, we fail to see the good God is doing and the people he is doing it through, regardless of whether we agree with their methodology or not.

2. It robs individuals of their greatest potential.

Are you a HOPE killer or a HOPE giver? Do you empower the lives of others or cause them to shrink back and lose confidence? After Moses sent the twelve spies into the Promised Land, only two of the twelve came back with a “can-do” approach. The other ten caused the rest of the Israelites to shrink back in fear with their negative report.

Contrast that with what is said of Caleb: “But my servant Caleb, because he has a DIFFERENT SPIRIT and has followed me FULLY, I will bring into the land into which he went, and his descendants shall possess it.” Because Caleb had a “can-do” spirit he was able to see what others didn’t and go where others wouldn’t go.

Unfortunately, the negative report brought back by the cynical spies damaged the confidence of others and caused them to miss what God had promised. Cynical people are dream killers to everyone around them. They rob people of HOPE. As followers of Jesus Christ and bearers of GOOD NEWS, we should be the greatest HOPE DEALERS in the world. But unfortunately, too many people associate Christianity with BAD NEWS rather than GOOD NEWS because of critical and condemning people.

3. It disunites teams and dismembers organizations: nothing works against the unity of a team spirit like that of a cynical and critical outlook.

It undermines leadership, creates a divided focus, and distracts people from a single purpose and unified vision. Great movements of God have always come as a result of people losing themselves in something greater than themselves. One is too small a number for greatness but it can be all that is needed to stunt the growth of any organization, business, church, or team. One person spreading cynicism in an organization can cause more harm than ten people trying to cultivate singleness of purpose. A little leaven affects the entire lump. Wouldn’t it be a

But great things can happen when individuals lay aside their critical approach with a “can-do” attitude toward vision.

4. Perhaps the most damaging aspect of a critical nature is that it cultivates a judgmental attitude that condemns every one else and the good they are trying to accomplish… while bringing spiritual DEATH to the CRITIC.

The critical person finds themselves tearing down everything and everyone around them. They never build anyone or anything up. They constantly repel people from themselves because they aren’t happy or at peace with themselves. Cynicism is a cancer that will eat away every last fiber of JOY in your life. Where an overly critical nature will repel people from you – a JOYFUL spirit will attract people to you. But you can’t have sustained joy and a cynical spirit at the same time. Something has to give. If you want lasting joy – take your critical nature to the cross and let it be crucified.

What is the ROOT of a critical spirit?

First, a critical person is walking in the flesh, not the Spirit. Rather than drawing upon the Lord for strength and perspective, the critical person relies upon his or her own resources. Cynicism quenches the Spirit of God in our lives, causing us to walk by sight, not faith. As Spirit-filled followers of Jesus Christ, we will always be a people of hope, while a fleshly person will be one of despair.

Second, when you meet people who are constantly critical, you can be pretty sure that they feel rotten about themselves. Overly critical people are dying on the inside. They don’t have peace. Most of the time they are at odds with God and mask the dilemma with religion. They see themselves as unattractive, failing, or in some manner unworthy. Pointing out others’ weaknesses works as an anodyne to keep people from seeing and feeling their own pain.

The Bottom Line

Overly critical people need grace – they need it from others, but more importantly, they need it from themselves. They need to come to grips with who they are in Christ and not be torn down every day with a highly analytical, perfectionist, or judgmental mentality. Living in grace will help you move away from a negative spirit that repels other people in your life, and more sadly, repels people from Christ as well.

If you want to make a difference in your world, choose JOY over CYNICISM and let God’s Spirit turn you into an agent of HOPE, not a judgmental FREAK that REPELS people.

Until next time… SERVE well, LOVE well, LIVE well, LEAD well.

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