Well, now that the election is finally over. The exit polls reveal a little more about the face of America. According to the exit polls from Election Day:

93.7% of all children under the age of 18 did not vote

57.3% of Caucasians who eat sweet potatoes on Tuesdays voted for McCain

42.8% of Latinos who eat ginger bread on Fridays voted for Obama

27% of Democratic voters admitted to drinking more energy drinks than the daily recommended limit of three

44% of Republicans who voted early said constipation played a significant role in doing so

Two in three evangelicals who voted for Governor Sarah Palin also tried to scratch McCain’s name off of the ballot

86.9% said they would rather have statistics rounded off to the nearest integer rather than decimals

95% of us are tired of having pollsters stereotype us with their demographic labels

And all of us are glad this election cycle is finally over!!! Let’s move on and realize that the embodiment of real and lasting HOPE is not found in a person, political party, or human promises, it is, and always will be in Christ and his kingdom. God help us to remember this in our journey for change in America.

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