The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership

I’ve been reading The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership by James Kouzes and Barry Posner. They collected stories from ordinary people — the experiences they recalled when asked to think of a peak leadership experience. Despite differences in culture, gender, age, and other variables, these “Personal Best” stories revealed similar patterns of behavior. They found…

Great Leadership Moment: Green Bay Packers Slay the Victim Mentality

Mike McCarthy had a great leadership moment this week. The Green Bay Packers’ head coach often says that among his highest priorities is setting an optimal mind-set in the locker room. So on the heels of the team’s bitter and controversial loss to Seattle on Monday night, the coach’s charge when his players returned to…

In the end, your passion will have more influence than your personality or talent.

“One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested.” ~E. M. Forster Experts spend a lot of time trying to figure out what makes people successful. In his book The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader, John Maxwell asserts that passion is what makes the difference, pointing out four truths about passion and…