What we can learn from Jeremy Lin’s sudden rise to leadership

Over at Leadership Journal, Robb Ryerse has written about the phenomenon surrounding the improbable rise of New York Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin, and what leaders can learn about “riding the bench”: Leaders must be able to discern, not just the right things to do, but also the right time and place for making progress….

Is ‘IT’ in You? Do you have this difference-maker?

What is IT? I’m talking about the difference-maker that sets you apart from mediocrity, mundane, and failure. “IT” was in Joshua and Caleb when the rest of the generation was too afraid to follow God into the unknown. While trepidation filled the hearts of most of the fighting men over what it would cost them…

Like Frodo, your story is worth telling… and darn well worth fighting for!

Remember what stories are worth telling… Frodo and Sam are in Osgiliath. It’s under evil attack. Frodo is becoming entranced by the power of the Ring and he appears incoherent as he staggers toward a Nazgûl. Seemingly resolved to give up on the fight to continue his mission, Frodo offers the Ring to the Nazgûl…

Want to give up? You’re in the company of world changers!

One of the greatest lessons we can learn from Joseph’s life is that there will always be more opportunities to quit than there are opportunities to conquer. Our dreams are always filled with detours and surprises, setbacks and hardships. But we can be assured that if our dream comes from God, the dream holds us when we feel unable to hold it.

A DREAM or VISION which costs nothing and demands nothing is worth nothing

A DREAM or VISION which costs nothing and demands nothing is worth nothing. Leaders, if we’re going to realize our dreams and materialize our vision, we’re going to have to suffer the most. We’re going to have to work long and hard hours doing things that are less than glamorous. We’re going to have to strive, sacrifice, hurt, cry, and bleed. Hardest of all, we’re going to have to do those things well; keeping the cool, calm reserve of a steadfast leader.

George Washington Leadership Moment: dare to believe, seize the day, risk boldly

The first things that come to mind with George Washington’s name are his commanding presidency, great leadership skills, and irresistible courage. We don’t think too often that at one time he was esteemed as a crippled leader and incompetent loser who couldn’t command the Continental Army to victory against an overpowering British brigade. Seize this moment and dare to do great things for your God.