Leadership Thoughts on NFL Free Agency

Today kicks off NFL free agency. There are many big name players in the market: Peyton Manning, Vincent Jackson, Reggie Wayne, Mario Williams. Here are some leadership questions I believe are healthy to ponder when considering any free agent prospect, whether an athlete, a business hire, your church leadership, or any organizational development. 1. Do…

In the end, your passion will have more influence than your personality or talent.

“One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested.” ~E. M. Forster Experts spend a lot of time trying to figure out what makes people successful. In his book The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader, John Maxwell asserts that passion is what makes the difference, pointing out four truths about passion and…

Is ‘IT’ in You? Do you have this difference-maker?

What is IT? I’m talking about the difference-maker that sets you apart from mediocrity, mundane, and failure. “IT” was in Joshua and Caleb when the rest of the generation was too afraid to follow God into the unknown. While trepidation filled the hearts of most of the fighting men over what it would cost them…

Are NEGATIVE voices stifling your passion? You don’t have to succumb!

“To him who believes all things are possible.” Mark 9:23 Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu felt called to ministry as a young girl and went through ministerial training in Ireland and India. When she graduated from her training her heart was “on fire” with a burning passion to serve God and love people. One day she approached…