numbers 13 Archives — Jimmy Larche Abiding in Him Weekly Devotional Mon, 03 May 2021 13:40:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 numbers 13 Archives — Jimmy Larche 32 32 Overcoming Grasshopper Vision Tue, 19 Mar 2019 14:22:26 +0000 Have you ever felt stuck between two chapters in your life—a place where it doesn’t seem like there is much purpose and God has subtly moved on without you?

The post Overcoming Grasshopper Vision appeared first on Jimmy Larche.

Text: Numbers 13:25-33

“And there we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak, who come from the Nephilim), and we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them.” —Numbers 13:33

Have you ever felt stuck between two chapters in your life—a place where it doesn’t seem like there is much purpose and a place where you feel that God, like a middle school crush who failed to call you, has subtly moved on without you?

The tribes of Israel were in such a place in Numbers 13. They had witnessed the power of God in saving their families from Egyptian bondage, leading them out of slavery and steering them on toward the possession of their very own Promised Land. But they hadn’t gotten there yet! They were stuck in between and their faith was beginning to fail.

It was in this wilderness place that Moses sent out twelve spies to seek out the land they had been promised and to bring back a report to the rest of the people. The last instruction he gave them was: “Be of good courage…” (Numbers 13:20). Tragically, the spies came back with “grasshopper” vision—all but two of them (Joshua and Caleb) referenced the size of the giants and said, “we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them” (Numbers 13:33). Woefully, their adversaries saw them the same way they saw themselves!

These spies discouraged the hearts of the people by obsessing over the size of the giants in the land and the impossibility of the mission that God had given them.

Grasshopper vision is what happens when our eyes look at our problems or obstacles in regard to their intimidating size or our own personal inadequacy, rather than looking at them in regard to the greatness and the all-sufficient power of our God. People with grasshopper vision view God in proportion to the enormity of their problems rather than viewing their problems in contrast to the size of their God.

Caleb, however, seconded by Joshua, encouraged them to go forward (Numbers 13:30). He does not say, “Let us go up and conquer it”; but, “Let us go up at once and occupy [possess] it.” The former relies on self while the latter relies on God to do what He already promised to do. It later says of Caleb: “Therefore Hebron [the mountain once possessed by giants] became the inheritance of Caleb… because he wholly followed the LORD, the God of Israel” (Joshua 14:14).

“Difficulties that are in the way of salvation, dwindle and vanish before a lively, active faith in the power and promise of God,” noted Matthew Henry. “All things are possible, if they are promised, to him that believes; but carnal sense and carnal professors are not to be trusted. Unbelief overlooks the promises and power of God, magnifies every danger and difficulty, and fills the heart with discouragement. May the Lord help us to believe! We shall then find all things possible.”

God isn’t calling you to conquer anything. He is simply asking you to “occupy” what He has already promised and conquered Himself. He wants you to occupy a faith-filled mindset. He wants you to occupy a God-size vision. He wants you to occupy a believer’s heart. He wants you to occupy a trust-in-Him spirit—an overcoming attitude. He wants you to occupy a peace in the midst of the storm. I have said this before but it bears repeating: In Christ, we don’t fight for victory; we fight from victory. We occupy what Christ has already wrought for us on the cross.

Whatever giants may be standing before you today, let them not meet in you a grasshopper mentality. Let them tremble at the reality of a faith-filled worshiper completely occupied by the strength, size, and greatness of their God!

Think about that as you seek to abide in Him this week.


God, thank you for your greatness—the sovereignty to promise and the sufficiency to come through. Let us not waver in unbelief or be crippled by grasshopper vision. May our hearts swell with faith as we begin to see those problems shrink in proportion to the immensity of WHO you are. You are all-powerful and all sufficient, and you have called us into a journey of seeing the impossible give way to miracles. We worship you today as the God who is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore. In Jesus’ blessed name, Amen.

Questions for Reflection, Small Group or Family Discussion:

  1. What kinds of risks are involved in standing up for what you believe?
  2. What did Moses tell the spies to look for and what were they told to bring back? (Numbers 13:18-20)
  3. What did Caleb say and how did the other spies react to Caleb’s comment? (13:30-31)
  4. How can trusting in Christ give you the courage to face difficulties this coming week?
  5. In what ways can you shift from fighting for victory to fighting from victory? How can this shape your worship?

Subscribe to “Abiding In Him” and get the latest devotional in your Inbox once a week.

The post Overcoming Grasshopper Vision appeared first on Jimmy Larche.

Never Apologize for a God-Sized Vision, Bold Faith Sat, 25 Mar 2017 17:48:04 +0000 Never apologize for a God-sized vision or a bold faith. Remember that the mediocre majority always dies in the wilderness, but those "different" spirits always find their Promised Land.

The post Never Apologize for a God-Sized Vision, Bold Faith appeared first on Jimmy Larche.

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Text: Numbers 13:1-33

“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.” 1 Corinthians 16:13 NIV

Eight years before the Wright Brothers took their home-built aircraft to the sandy dunes of Kitty Hawk, cranked up the engine, and took off into the history books, much of the scientific community considered their escapades as madness.

Lord Kelvin, the famed man of science and President of the Royal Society of England, made an obstinate declaration, saying, “Heavier than air flying machines are impossible.” Yet the Wright Brothers never let those criticisms deter them from doing the seemingly impossible. They didn’t apologize for having a bold vision, and their audacious dream still speaks today as millions of flights lift off annually. Rumor has it that Lord Kelvin’s science was, well, just a little off.

Albert Einstein once said, “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” That’s a great description of the narrative we find in the thirteenth chapter of the book of Numbers. The Lord instructed Moses to send out twelve spies to do a reconnaissance of the land that God had promised Israel. When the twelve returned, only two of them believed that God was able to give them the land (Joshua and Caleb). The Bible describes Caleb as a man who had a “different spirit” and followed God fully (Numbers 14:24). Yet these two great spirits found themselves in the minority of a mediocre majority.

The majority came back from their surveillance filled with fear. The minority came back swelling with faith and courage. Caleb even tried to quiet the anxiety of the people by saying, “we are well able to overcome it” (Numbers 13:30), while the majority spread a “bad report” and infected the camp with cynicism (Numbers 13:31-32). What was the difference between the minority and the majority? The majority only focused on the giants in the land and viewed themselves in contrast to the size of those giants (Numbers 13:33). They only saw problems instead of possibilities. So they shrunk back in fear. The minority, Joshua and Caleb, had a God-sized vision that they didn’t apologize for. They saw the giants in the land in direct proportion to their God, and it made those giants seem very small and the task exceedingly possible.

Whenever we view ourselves in proportion to our circumstances, we always shrink back in fear. God’s promises seem implausible as fear gives way to mediocrity. The cynicism of the majority erodes our confidence, leaving us feeling ashamed for believing God in the first place, and regretfully inclined to apologize to the rest of the world for having faith. The enemy of our soul would love for nothing more than to thrash us into this state of spiritual paralysis—that place where we never step out in bold faith or leave the safe and shallow shores of status quo Christianity.

Conversely, when we see our circumstances in proportion to the size of our God, impossibilities then become a seedbed for miracles. Faith swells and our vision is emboldened. Problems become opportunities for God to show up. Difficulties are occasions for the Almighty to make His glory known.

Never apologize for a God-sized vision! Tweet this

We live in a world where finite minds and small spirits oppose mighty acts of courage. People get offended that you actually take God at His Word and dare to have faith in what He has spoken. They will malign you and slander you for believing that God’s promises are bigger than their status quo. We should never apologize for having faith in God’s Word, no matter how implausible it may sound to others. To apologize for your audacity is to rob God of the glory He longs to capture from your following Him “fully.” Like Caleb, we ought to never regret taking God at His Word regardless of the status quo we find ourselves up against.

Remember, beloved, the mediocre majority always dies in the wilderness. But those “different” spirits always find their Promised Land. Think about that as you seek to abide in Him this week.


Father, we understand that faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. We live in a world of skepticism—one where that faith is constantly under fire from finite minds, small spirits, and cynical worldviews. It’s even assaulted by our own inner voices, doubts, and insecurities. We live in the tension of trusting in your promises while being daily confronted by the reality of our circumstances. Help us to view those circumstances rightly—in proportion to the One Who is infinitely good, eternally supreme, and an ever rewarder of those who stand firm in faith. Forgive us where we have shrunk back in fear, and restore us with an unapologetic and holy resolve to boldly take you at your word. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

The mediocre majority always dies in the wilderness. But those “different” spirits always find their Promised Land. Tweet this

Questions for Reflection and/or Family Discussion:

  1. If you lived during the times of the Wright Brothers, how do you think you would’ve seen their pursuit to fly?
  2. What’s the most audacious step of faith you have ever taken?
  3. When has your faith met resistance from the status quo?
  4. Where have you allowed the reality of your circumstances to speak louder than the greatness of your God? Where have you shrunk back in fear?
  5. What can you do this week when your faith in God’s promises comes under fire from finite spirits, mediocre minds, cynical majorities, or unfortunate circumstances? How will you respond?

Subscribe to “Abiding In Him” and get the latest devotional in your Inbox once a week.

The post Never Apologize for a God-Sized Vision, Bold Faith appeared first on Jimmy Larche.
