Statistics: Children, Youth, and Next Generation Ministry

Throughout scripture, God puts a PREMIUM on children along with an unmistakable RESPONSIBILITY on His people to pass His wonders on to the next generation.

Tommy Lasorda wants what on his tombstone?

Los Angeles Dodgers Hall of Famer Tommy Lasorda doesn’t want his devotion to his beloved franchise to end when his life eventually does. Lasorda, 84, has been affiliated with the

5 Ways You Can Pray for Summer Camp and Broken Families

Breakaway Outreach will be facilitating multiple camps throughout the summer for prisoners’ kids, under-served children, and at-risk youth. Our first camping experience kicks off in just a few days (June

One-Way Missionaries: The Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of Missions

There was an era of missionary zeal around the turn of the 20th century that bred a group who became known as “one-way” missionaries.

John Piper: “The Marks of a Spiritual Leader”

The following is an article written by John Piper on The Marks of a Spiritual Leader: I define spiritual leadership as knowing where God wants people to be and taking