michael crabtree Archives — Jimmy Larche https://jimmylarche.breakawayoutreach.com/tag/michael-crabtree/ Abiding in Him Weekly Devotional Mon, 20 Jan 2014 20:23:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://jimmylarche.breakawayoutreach.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/cropped-2024-Jimmy-Larche-logo-aih-32x32.png michael crabtree Archives — Jimmy Larche https://jimmylarche.breakawayoutreach.com/tag/michael-crabtree/ 32 32 Six Things I Think Jesus Might Say to Richard Sherman https://jimmylarche.breakawayoutreach.com/six-things-think-jesus-might-say-richard-sherman/ Mon, 20 Jan 2014 20:23:50 +0000 http://www.jimmylarche.com/?p=6238 You don’t need to be defined by what happened Sunday night.

The post Six Things I Think Jesus Might Say to Richard Sherman appeared first on Jimmy Larche.

Six Things I Think Jesus Might Say to Richard Sherman:

1. You have come a long way.

From those crime-ridden and gang-infested streets of Compton, you have overcome many disadvantages and lived a dream. Apart from my grace, this would’ve never been possible. Be grateful.

2. You have an amazing talent.

You are arguably the best defensive back in the NFL. Your talent is God-given and you will be held accountable one day for how you exercised and stewarded that talent. Be humble… (By the way, that was a jaw-dropping play at the end of the NFC conference championship game!)

3. You have a lot of kids watching you.

You are a person of influence. Behind the scenes you are a generous person, helping out the community in many tangible and monetary ways. Know that “losing it” on national television overshadows much of the good you do off the camera. Give those disadvantaged kids back in Compton and communities all over the world someone to respect and be inspired by. You have the platform and potential to do this by how you carry yourself in the limelight. I’m pulling for you.

4. Remember who you are.

You’re a graduate of a highly reputable school (Stanford) and you have a degree in Communications. You are a man of social and academic stature. Carry yourself in light of this image—not that punk street kid that people still see you as. You have been labeled a thug, a fool, and a classless jerk. But those labels don’t have to dictate how you carry yourself. Walk in the new identity I died on the cross to give you. You can do this despite all the haters who want you to be defined by your worst moments.

5. I died for Michael Crabtree too!

It’s easy to justify your tirade after Sunday night’s game by saying that Crabtree made insulting comments about your mother some time back. You can’t overcome evil with evil. You can only overcome evil with good. My grace is sufficient for Michael Crabtree as much as it is sufficient for Richard Sherman. Accept that.

6. Put your best foot forward.

You don’t need to be defined by what happened Sunday night (Philippians 3:12-14). Unfortunately, your great play will be obscured by a momentary lapse in dignity. But this doesn’t have to define your future. Go to the Super Bowl, play like you’re gifted to play, respect your opponent, and show the world who Richard Sherman really can be when he is remade in my image. Most importantly, do this for my glory. The lights are on, the cameras are rolling, and the world is watching. Don’t miss this opportunity to be redefined by grace. I died on the cross to give you this opportunity. Seize it.

The post Six Things I Think Jesus Might Say to Richard Sherman appeared first on Jimmy Larche.
