Discard the Outcast and You Forfeit Tremendous Leadership Potential

Denny’s Story (adapted from Jimmy Larche’s book 13-Foot Coffins) In Judges 11, Israel cast out Jephthah because he was a son of a prostitute, but later begged him to come

Annoy Them. Live to Irritate… and Inspire!

Live your life in such a way that it makes it very hard for other people to drift into mediocrity. Annoy them with your passion. Perturb them with your conviction

5 Ways You Can Pray for Summer Camp and Broken Families

Breakaway Outreach will be facilitating multiple camps throughout the summer for prisoners’ kids, under-served children, and at-risk youth. Our first camping experience kicks off in just a few days (June

This VIDEO says it all… the difference YOU can make!

Breakaway Outreach will be facilitating multiple adventure camps this summer for prisoners’ children, inner-city kids, and under-served youth. Find out more about how you can help send a kid to

Dennis Rodman Hall of Fame Speech and the Fatherless Epidemic in America

Dennis Rodman has always been known for his “emotional” visuals, as he described it in his NBA Hall of Fame acceptance speech below. Rodman talked openly about being abandoned by

GIVING is the highest level of LIVING

“Just the very act of letting go of money, or some other treasure, does something within us. It destroys the demon ‘greed’.” – Richard Foster Nothing speaks more loudly in

The Battle for a Generation

I love these words adapted from Ron Hutchcraft’s book, “A Battle for a Generation,” pp 11-12. Never in the history of the Life Saving Service (set up to rescue people