Discard the Outcast and You Forfeit Tremendous Leadership Potential

Denny’s Story (adapted from Jimmy Larche’s book 13-Foot Coffins) In Judges 11, Israel cast out Jephthah because he was a son of a prostitute, but later begged him to come and lead them because he was also a mighty warrior. Be careful who your church discards as an outcast. You may one day desperately need…

Dennis Rodman Hall of Fame Speech and the Fatherless Epidemic in America

Dennis Rodman has always been known for his “emotional” visuals, as he described it in his NBA Hall of Fame acceptance speech below. Rodman talked openly about being abandoned by his father, the role of several men who mentored him (one who cried with him), and his painful regret over not being the kind of…

GIVING is the highest level of LIVING

“Just the very act of letting go of money, or some other treasure, does something within us. It destroys the demon ‘greed’.” – Richard Foster Nothing speaks more loudly in a person’s life than generosity. When it comes from the heart, true generosity permeates every area of our lives, overflowing in obvious manifestations of benevolence…