Tag: leadership
A Dangerous Prayer: Nehemiah

Compassion is hard because it requires the inner disposition to go with others to a place where they are weak, vulnerable, lonely, and broken.
Don’t Be a Knockoff or a Cheap Imitation

God was the Visionary and Moses was merely the project foreman. Amazing things happen when we see our roles rightly in Yahweh’s great big Kingdom enterprise.
2024 Ministry Theme: Pressure Is a Privilege

Our 2024 ministry theme is "Pressure Is a Privilege: We Will Rise to Expectations of the Great Commission."
Meekness Isn’t Weakness
Greek war horses were “meeked” in the sense that they were trained to stay in the battle rather than flee at the sound of loud canons.
Tapping Into God’s Wisdom
Various studies show that kids ask between 100-400 questions a day. Yet as we grow older, we stop asking questions. Why?
Aunt Mary and The Goodness of God
Mary Dobkin (Aunt Mary) was the crippled immigrant woman who coached and guided thousands of Baltimore's poorest children.
God of The Hills and The Valleys
It was the quickest overtime game in NFL history. In January of 2012, Tim Tebow connected with Demaryius Thomas for an 80-yard touchdown
What Have You Been Asking From God?
It was in a dream by night that the Lord appeared to Solomon at Gibeon saying, “Ask what I shall give you.” Solomon asked for wisdom.
Whose Corner Do You Need To Be In Right Now?
In humility, whose interests do you need to look out for this week? Whose corner do you need to stand in this week?
Trusting God with Your Weakness
God had big plans for Moses. Yet, when God called him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses didn’t see himself as the right person for the job.