We Bought A Zoo: 20 seconds of “Insane Courage” could change everything

When you know the size of your God, the size of your giants becomes irrelevant. In my book 13-Foot Coffins, I talked about how God has a coffin for every giant you will ever face, regardless of its size. In my lifetime, I’ve met many giants that I didn’t have the courage or power to…

Is ‘IT’ in You? Do you have this difference-maker?

What is IT? I’m talking about the difference-maker that sets you apart from mediocrity, mundane, and failure. “IT” was in Joshua and Caleb when the rest of the generation was too afraid to follow God into the unknown. While trepidation filled the hearts of most of the fighting men over what it would cost them…

5 Paralyzing Traits that Keep People Sidelined from their Dance with Destiny

This is not an exhaustive or complete list by any measure, but here are FIVE common traits that keep people paralyzed on the sideline of their dance with destiny: 1. Apathy Criticism is often a cloak for apathy. Sometimes it’s just easier to criticize those on the field because it doesn’t COST you anything to…