The Ultimate Underdog Story
There is nothing you will face today that isn’t already under the authority of Jesus. The same power that rose Jesus from the grave lives in us. You can live in this present reality.
There is nothing you will face today that isn’t already under the authority of Jesus. The same power that rose Jesus from the grave lives in us. You can live in this present reality.
What would it look like if the biblical accounts of Palm Sunday were taking place in our generation today?
The danger of spiritual complacency is that it is not only acutely self-serving, but it is highly contagious. It’s a subtle erosive to our faith.
Never apologize for a God-sized vision or a bold faith. Remember that the mediocre majority always dies in the wilderness, but those “different” spirits always find their Promised Land.
Getting over ourselves is part of growing up and making room for more of Jesus in our lives. Grace is an amazing gift that frees us from the bondage of viewing our lives as an image or reputation that needs to be protected.
Fake news has taken our world by storm. With the phenomenon of social media and news outlets propagating their own political agendas, it’s getting more difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. A similar battle for truth takes place every day in our spiritual lives.
Paul believed that his life in Christ was worth imitating: “Be imitators of me just as I am of Christ.” If someone follows you, will they end up at Jesus?
The hard is what makes it great. God is most glorified not when the cards are in our favor, but when the deck is stacked against us—and we overcome.
Playing for an audience of one is how Bart Starr Award recipient and Pro Bowler Matthew Slater succeeds on and off the football field.
If we don’t use our time wisely, it will become a villain to us, rather than a gift. Spiritual lessons from Alice: Through the Looking Glass.