Are You a Thermometer or a Thermostat?
Are you a thermometer or a thermostat? One is a reactionary instrument to its surrounding environment, while the other affects its environment.
Are you a thermometer or a thermostat? One is a reactionary instrument to its surrounding environment, while the other affects its environment.
Don't miss the dance! Never let fear reduce your life to the role of a boat-preserver when you've been called to walk on water. Get out of the boat!
The danger in fighting the wrong battles is that we may find ourselves in the very throes of fighting against God himself, while convinced we are serving His agenda.
God wants us to see the BIG in the small. Our faithfulness in the little things reveals much about the condition of our heart.
The Fatherhood of God: He is a good and perfect Father. There is none to whom we can compare Him. He is always the contrast, meant to be worshiped.
One of the sure marks of a maturing believer is an increased desire to want to please God. They often think about this question: Does it please the Lord?
Lessons from Mary and Martha: The answer to worry is not to try really hard to stop worrying. It is to be covered in the dust of your rabbi.
Paul's reflections on how Lois and Eunice, the primary disciplers in Timothy's life, gave the world an infectious servant-leader.
We can’t choose the world that we wake up to each morning, but we most certainly can choose how we will dress for success. WHO are you wearing?
You can trust the God who is captivated by every detail of your life! He rejoices over you with singing and dancing. He watches over you with tenderness and affection.