eddie murray Archives — Jimmy Larche https://jimmylarche.breakawayoutreach.com/tag/eddie-murray/ Abiding in Him Weekly Devotional Mon, 03 May 2021 13:32:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://jimmylarche.breakawayoutreach.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/cropped-2024-Jimmy-Larche-logo-aih-32x32.png eddie murray Archives — Jimmy Larche https://jimmylarche.breakawayoutreach.com/tag/eddie-murray/ 32 32 Baseball: My son is an ORIOLE and a childhood DREAM is fulfilled… https://jimmylarche.breakawayoutreach.com/baltimore-orioles-baseball-dreams-ripken/ Thu, 10 Mar 2011 17:01:15 +0000 http://www.jimmylarche.com/blog/?p=560 I grew up going to baseball games at the old Memorial Stadium on 33rd St in Baltimore. My first childhood dream was to be a Baltimore Oriole when I grew up, dreaming of following in the footsteps of childhood heroes Eddie Murray and Cal Ripken, Jr.

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I grew up going to baseball games at the old Memorial Stadium on 33rd St in Baltimore.

My first childhood dream was to be a Baltimore Oriole when I grew up, dreaming of following in the footsteps of childhood heroes Eddie Murray and Cal Ripken, Jr.

I remember being in the left field bleachers as a kid when my hero, Cal Ripken (#8), hit his first career grand slam right over my head. It was his rookie year, September 14, 1982 vs Yankees (off Mike Morgan). I was 11-yrs old and I can still see that baseball flying over my head today, more the size of a volleyball than a baseball. Things are always bigger through the eyes of child; I think that’s why Jesus told us that unless we had the faith of a little child, we would never see.

My 7-yr old son has been watching Cal Ripken’s training DVDs in preparation for his first little league season. Last night he was drafted by the “Orioles” for his first little league adventure! I also found out they will be wearing the old school uniforms with the logos from the 80’s; the decade I collected my most memorable Oriole experiences. What’s more, he got the number “8”.

Mere coincidence? No way!

God has a really cool way of letting us know He’s always a part of our dreams – even when they look a little bit different when they come into fruition decades later. This season, at 40-years old, I will be an ORIOLE; sitting on the bleachers of every game, wearing my Orioles’ jersey and Orioles’ cap pulling for my favorite baseball hero: Zachary Larche… a.k.a. “Number 8”.

Dreams do come true! And I wouldn’t have wanted it to turn out any other way; being an ORIOLE DAD of the greatest boy on the universe far exceeds being a professional ball player hitting line drives at Camden Yards for a living.

Thank you, Father, for a childhood dream coming TRUE, and for the amazing SON I get to share this dream with as we build memories for a lifetime!

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