A DREAM or VISION which costs nothing and demands nothing is worth nothing

A DREAM or VISION which costs nothing and demands nothing is worth nothing. Leaders, if we’re going to realize our dreams and materialize our vision, we’re going to have to suffer the most. We’re going to have to work long and hard hours doing things that are less than glamorous. We’re going to have to strive, sacrifice, hurt, cry, and bleed. Hardest of all, we’re going to have to do those things well; keeping the cool, calm reserve of a steadfast leader.

Are NEGATIVE voices stifling your passion? You don’t have to succumb!

“To him who believes all things are possible.” Mark 9:23 Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu felt called to ministry as a young girl and went through ministerial training in Ireland and India. When she graduated from her training her heart was “on fire” with a burning passion to serve God and love people. One day she approached…