The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership

I’ve been reading The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership by James Kouzes and Barry Posner. They collected stories from ordinary people — the experiences they recalled when asked to think

8 Tips for Telling a Great Story

David Slagle shared some insightful thoughts with Leadership Journal about the subject of storytelling. He notes it’s not enough to have a great story; you have to tell it well.

Change Your Words. Change Your World.

Thank you @PastorJarrod for this link. The words we choose can make all the difference! Leaders should remember this when casting VISION.

Change Your Words – Change Your life!

Our WORDS tend to be the thing that gets us into trouble more than any other thing in our lives. Our WORDS have tremendous consequence don’t they? Words can be

5 Secrets of Highly Effective Communication

As a leader you must be able to clearly communicate your organization’s strategy, vision and value. Stacey Hanke of MORE Magazine offers five strategies to help you communicate with impact