Great Leadership Moment: Green Bay Packers Slay the Victim Mentality

Mike McCarthy had a great leadership moment this week. The Green Bay Packers’ head coach often says that among his highest priorities is setting an optimal mind-set in the locker

Is ‘IT’ in You? Do you have this difference-maker?

What is IT? I’m talking about the difference-maker that sets you apart from mediocrity, mundane, and failure. “IT” was in Joshua and Caleb when the rest of the generation was

You’re not just a victim or a survivor, but a CONQUEROR

I love the spirit of victory that emanates from Romans 8:28-37… It implies that we don’t have to settle for merely becoming survivors in the trek of life. With God’s

In The Trenches pt.2: “Playmakers and Critics”

Organizations, businesses, ministries, and churches today need more ‘Playmakers,’ not more critics! There is no shortage of the latter, but always a shortage of the former. Playmakers change the game

Craig Sanders: Three Ways to Break Negativity

We all have a negative response internally, to a negative occurrence that took place externally. “It is the basic stimulus response modality,” says Craig Sanders. Although we can’t control the