Great Leadership Moment: Green Bay Packers Slay the Victim Mentality

Mike McCarthy had a great leadership moment this week. The Green Bay Packers’ head coach often says that among his highest priorities is setting an optimal mind-set in the locker room. So on the heels of the team’s bitter and controversial loss to Seattle on Monday night, the coach’s charge when his players returned to…

Is ‘IT’ in You? Do you have this difference-maker?

What is IT? I’m talking about the difference-maker that sets you apart from mediocrity, mundane, and failure. “IT” was in Joshua and Caleb when the rest of the generation was too afraid to follow God into the unknown. While trepidation filled the hearts of most of the fighting men over what it would cost them…

In The Trenches pt.2: “Playmakers and Critics”

Organizations, businesses, ministries, and churches today need more ‘Playmakers,’ not more critics! There is no shortage of the latter, but always a shortage of the former. Playmakers change the game just by showing up and they do the little things that lead to big results. They add value to their teammates. Although they can make…