From “Woe Is Me” to “Here I Am, Send Me”

Isaiah’s experience with the coals of God’s grace leads him from “Woe is me!” to “Here I am! Send me.” He goes from being convicted of his sin, to being

I’m Too Busy… Enjoying God

Hollywood celebrity Jim Carrey once said, “I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer.”

Swinging at Life With a Dull Blade

There’s an old story about two lumberjacks who had a contest to see who could chop the most wood. One was a young, strong man who could chop relentlessly. He

The Greatest Testimony of Your Faith

Text: Matthew 25:1-13 “When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.” —Colossians 3:4 My fourth great grandfather, Reverend Ulrich Keener, was a

Encountering My Mother’s God

John Newton's mother, Elizabeth Newton, was the one who modeled godliness for him when he was a young boy.

Will You Be the Tree or the Shrub This Year?

Do you want to experience a “happy” new year? Psalm 1:1-6 makes it very clear what will determine that, by giving us two pictures of contrast.

Advent Devotions (Week 4): Love and a Prostitute

On the fourth Sunday of Advent, we reflect on scriptures from the Old and New Testaments about God’s love for us. God’s love undergirds the whole Bible.

Advent Devotions (Week 3): Joy and Rejoicing

The third week of Advent is Joy. Of course, joy and happiness are two different things. Happiness is an emotion that is contingent upon circumstances.

Advent Devotions (Week 2): Peace and Shalom

Christ, the divine embodiment of Shalom, is the only thing that can bring this world true and lasting peace.

Advent Devotions (Week 1): Faith and Expectancy

Waiting is the embodiment of faith—a faith that must learn to trust God’s character, His intentions, and His timing.