Olive Oil Coffee and The Gospel

I am presently drinking a cup of olive oil coffee. I wanted to taste it for myself now that Starbucks is launching the product in Italy. What does that have

Revival Inside This Uniform

During the great Welsh revival of the 19th century, some newspapermen went down from London to report firsthand the happenings in Wales.

Tapping Into God’s Wisdom

Various studies show that kids ask between 100-400 questions a day. Yet as we grow older, we stop asking questions. Why?

Knowing the Fullness of God

I have been teaching English and coaching American sports during winter camp in Korea. The book of Ephesians has been our curriculum.

Mr. Irrelevant and Being Overlooked

NFL QB Brock Purdy doesn’t shy away from his Christian faith. Nicknamed “Mr. Irrelevant” due to being the last pick of the 2002 NFL Draft.

Shall We Look For Another?

In Matthew 11, John the baptizer sent his disciples to Jesus asking, “Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?”

The Power of Garlic, Truth and Love

I started eating raw garlic every day for its amazing health benefits. That statement alone might make you want to take a couple of steps back.

Levi’s Jeans and the Inheritance of Lies

The good news in Jeremiah’s prophecy, and in our journey to the truth that sets us free and keeps us free, is that God promised to expose the lies and

The God Who Makes a Way

Isaiah didn’t say, “God made a way,” but that God “makes a way.” He told them, “Remember not the former things,” but “behold” the Lord is “doing a new thing.”

Misplaced Trust and a Covenant with Death

The bed of misplaced trust offers no rest, and the blanket of false hope is of no comfort. Isaiah preached that their rejection of God gave them no peace, no