Have you noticed how the greatest athletes tend to rise to the occasion when the stakes are the highest and the pressure is intensified?

Many sports champions have emphasized “pressure is a privilege,” underscoring that it’s a privilege to be in a position where others are expecting big things of you in the heat of the moment. As we journey into the New Year amidst growing instability around the world, we consider what a great privilege it is to be people entrusted with the Gospel in difficult times, and what big expectations God puts on those with that privileged Good News. That is the idea behind our 2024 ministry theme…

Pressure Is a Privilege: We Will Rise to Expectations of the Great Commission.

With this theme comes three layers of missional focus:

1. We will RISE to the privilege of Gospel-centered living. We are privileged to possess the Gospel of the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. Over 3 billion people in over 7,000 people groups around the world are currently unreached by this treasured Good News. To whom much has been given, much is expected… and required. The Gospel demands of us nothing less than absolute surrender in our daily relationships, our life pursuits, our time investments, our sacrificial “faithing,” and our financial stewardship.

2. We will RISE to the privilege of the Great Commission. We will embrace God’s missional mandate (Matthew 28:19-20) by cultivating discipleship pathways across the streets, across the states, and across the seas. We will not shy away from bold missional enterprise to reach youth for Christ, resource and strengthen communities, and invest in building kingdom leaders who are intentional about developing the next generation of young people.

3. We will RISE to the privilege of a persevering faith in difficult times. As we see the escalation of hostilities in our world, we will let the pressure remind us that “for such a time as this” we have been entrusted to be ambassadors of Good News hope in a bad news world. We are in this moment by divine design. We will not lose hope! We will not lose heart! We will not run from expectations to be light in the darkness, no matter how difficult life gets. We will rise to the expectation of perseverance in faith, knowing that He has promised “I am with you always, to the end of the age,” and we will do all that is sufficiently granted to us by the grace and power of God to instill faith, hope, and courage in others.

A Night of Celebration (Missions Banquet, March 21)

We would love to have you join us for Breakaway’s 2024 missions celebration banquet on March 21. It will be a festive evening of celebrating all that God is doing through this ministry. The evening will feature dinner, community awards, stories of hope, a silent auction, and many highlights of Breakaway’s impact at home and around the world. You can navigate to the RSVP link or email info@breakawayoutreach.com for more details. We cannot emphasize how special it will be to see you in person for this amazing night of fellowship and storytelling.

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