Some helpful missional leadership resources for group leaders and those seeking to flesh out missional community with others.


Joining Jesus on His Mission
Joining Jesus on his mission is easier than we think— not more complicated. Joining Jesus doesn’t add another layer of busyness on top of an already insane schedule. Instead, joining Jesus results in less stress, more life, more laughter and more fruit than what many of us are currently seeing. Living missionally simply requires a new “missional” mindset.

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Called Together
We are a people made for community and mission. Through reflection on the foundational concepts of gospel, community, and mission, this book will help you form healthy missional communities. Filled with practical guidance for leaders and everyday people, it will guide you into a deeper and more deliberate experience of being the church together.

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Launching Missional Communities
“Missional Communities” have become one of the most discussed vehicles of the past 20 years. This is a book about where they came from and a practical field guide for how your community can begin launching and multiplying MCs to see those who don’t know Jesus begin the journey of discipleship.

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Leading Missional Communities
Missional Communities (MCs) are helpful only if we use them as a vehicle toward a much deeper issue: how we can learn to live our everyday lives as extended families on mission. We call this reality “oikos” (‘household’ in Greek). Oikos is what the church needs to reclaim if it is going to become the kind of movement the church was in its earliest day.

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Building a Discipling Culture
If you set out to build the church there is no guarantee you will make disciples, but far more likely you will just create more consumers. Jesus did not command us to build the church; He called us to make disciples. Effective discipleship creates the church, not the other way around. This book is a practical tool for leaders who aspire to create a culture of discipleship.

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Creating a Missional Culture
To have churches where the community more fully reflects the character and ministry of Christ, we must understand the hidden power of culture. Like gravity, the culture of a congregation can either pull people down to their base instincts or lift people up to their sacred potential. We create culture and culture recreates us. Managers operate within culture, leaders create culture.

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