According to this article, 14 Surprising Signs You’ll Live Longer Than You Think, I should live to be 100. In addition to the typical exercise and diet habits, here are some of the other factors to longevity that are suggested:

Your Mom Had You Young

My mother was seventeen when I was born. Theoretically, that means I came from the “best” eggs. Thanks Mom!!!

You’re a Tea Lover

Oh, yeah. I drink it all day long. In a study of more than 40,500 Japanese men and women, those who drank 5 or more cups of green tea every day had the lowest risk of dying from heart disease and stroke.

You Really Like Your Friends… (This one is great)

“Good interpersonal relationships act as a buffer against stress,” says Micah Sadigh, PhD, an associate professor of psychology at Cedar Crest College. Knowing you have people who support you keeps you healthy, mentally and physically: Chronic stress weakens the immune system and ages cells faster, ultimately shortening life span by 4 to 8 years, according to one study. Not just any person will do, however. “You need friends you can talk to without being judged or criticized,” says Sadigh.

You Embrace New Challenges

The article states: “People who consider themselves self-disciplined, organized achievers live longer and have up to an 89% lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s than the less conscientious, according to two studies. When you’re good at focusing your attention, you use more brainpower, says the lead researcher in both studies, Robert S. Wilson, PhD, a professor of neurological sciences and psychology at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. Yes, there is hope for the Type A.

You Don’t Have a Housekeeper

‘Nuff said.

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