Text: Jeremiah 16:14-21

“I will make them know my power and my might, and they shall know that my name is the LORD.” —Jeremiah 16:21

When you think about all the things you could possibly inherit, Levi’s jeans might not be at the top of the list. When Solomon Warner passed away in 1899, he left behind a wooden trunk, which eventually passed through his descendants. Inside that trunk was something that must’ve seemed pretty mundane to Warner himself: A pair of 44-37 Levi’s jeans made in 1893, according to the New York Post.

Currently in the possession of Warner’s great-great-grandson, Jock Taylor, those jeans are now thought to be the oldest unworn pair of Levi’s on the planet. As of 2017, Levi’s offered Taylor $50,000 for the denim trousers but he is hanging on to that inheritance for the time being, hoping the value will continue to increase.

The prophet Jeremiah lamented about a people of a different kind of inheritance—the hereditament of falsehood. The “fathers” of “nations” had given themselves to the idolatry of “worthless things” because they had “inherited nothing but lies.” In this passage, Jeremiah painted a contrast of Israel’s rebellion with a future time of Gentile repentance, when nations would ultimately turn from those lies which they had inherited, and become liberated by life-changing truth.

Think about some of the lies you may have “inherited” throughout your lifetime—I’m not worthy of love. I’m not good enough. I don’t belong. I was born a mistake. I was destined for failure. My past is too dirty for God to forgive me. I can’t do relationships. I’ll always be lonely. My contribution to the world doesn’t matter. I’m never going to be free. Or, how about this timeless gem of Satan—Christianity is just a crutch for weak people.

Satan is the original liar and he will do and say anything to keep you oppressed. Jesus referred to him as the “father of lies” (John 8:44). And whether it was in the context of the Garden of Eden or in the context of the bedroom pillow you lay your head on every night, we need to understand something about the lies we inherit. We started to lie to ourselves when the devil caused us to doubt the only One in this world who is Truth. The devil has told us so many lies that oftentimes we do his dirty work for him—we lie to ourselves!

The good news in Jeremiah’s prophecy, and in our journey to the truth that sets us free and keeps us free, is that God promised to expose the lies and restore His people. Israel would return from exile in redemptive fashion. Gentile nations would forsake their idols, confessing that He alone is God and thus able to save. You would hear and respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, become a disciple of truth, and breakaway from the lies that took you hostage. Jeremiah likened this renewal to be so astounding that it will surpass the first exodus (Jeremiah 16:14-15, 32:37; Deuteronomy 30:1–10).

God alone is the one Who delivers from the lies you’ve inherited. Jesus died and rose again so that your sins would be forgiven, you could be adopted into God’s family, and your life would be governed by the Truth that sets you free. God has an exodus planned for you, beloved. He is faithful to finish what He began in you. Truth still gets the last word in the story of your life. Think about that as you seek to abide in Him this week.


Heavenly Father, thank you for being such a gracious, merciful, and forgiving God. I praise you, for you are the God of Truth, and your Truth trumps the lies and manipulation of the enemy. Holy Spirit, help me to decipher the lies I have inherited. Expose any falsehood in my heart. Empower me to live from a place of alignment with your Word, as I seek to abide in you daily. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Questions for personal reflection or group discussion:

  1. What is one of the strangest inheritances you’ve ever learned about?
  2. What kinds of lies might we inherit from the world in which we live today?
  3. What great event in Israel’s past did God say would be exceeded by His eventual deliverance? (Jeremiah 16:14-15)
  4. What lies do you need deliverance from right now?
  5. What can you do intentionally this week to confront and overcome lies with the truth of God’s Word?

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