Dr. David R. Reagan has posted an interesting series called “Israel as Proof of God’s Existence.” He concludes the series by making this claim:

The Atheist’s Problem

Any fair-minded person should be willing to admit that the Jews in Bible prophecy are absolute proof of God’s existence.

The problem the Atheist has in accepting the existence of God is that he knows the moment he acknowledges God’s existence, it will mean that he is responsible to God, and the Atheist does not want to be responsible to anyone except himself.

C.S. Lewis summed up the Atheist’s problem very well when he wrote: “An Atheist cannot find God for the same reason that a burglar cannot find a policeman.”

Think about that profound statement for a moment. Why can’t a burglar find a policeman? Because he doesn’t want to find one!

Thus, in Jeremiah 29:13 we find God saying, “You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”

Reagan notes a question and answer session performed by one of his spiritual mentors, Carl Ketcherside. He was asked, “What do you think is the greatest evidence that the Bible came from God?”

His answer: “The Yellow Pages of the phone book.”

When the questioner asked what he meant, Carl said, “Look at the names of the banks, the names of the department stores, the names of lawyers and doctors and accountants. You will see one Jewish name after another. God promised He would preserve the Jewish people, and He has.”

Jesus said the Jews would be taken into captivity to all the nations of the world and Jerusalem would remain under Gentile control until the time comes for the domination of the Gentiles to end. (Luke 21:24)

The first step in the fulfillment of this prophecy came on June 7, 1967 at the end of the Six Day War when the Jews conquered the city of Jerusalem and reoccupied it with sovereignty over it, for the first time in 1,897 years.

It is no wonder that on that day, the chief rabbi of the Israeli army, Rabbi Shlomo Goren, came to the Western Wall, blew a shofar, and then proclaimed: “We have taken the City of God. We are entering the Messianic era for the Jewish people.”

He said that because he knew that the prophecies say that when the Jews are back in their land and in their city, the Messiah will come.

Once again, we have precise prophecies being precisely fulfilled.

Read the entire series here.

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