What is IT? I’m talking about the difference-maker that sets you apart from mediocrity, mundane, and failure.

“IT” was in Joshua and Caleb when the rest of the generation was too afraid to follow God into the unknown. While trepidation filled the hearts of most of the fighting men over what it would cost them to reach their mountain of success, Joshua and Caleb were breeding something DIFFERENT in their hearts. This something different will cause you to rise when others are falling… push forward when others are retreating… aim higher while others are lowering their expectations and faith in God’s promises.

Consequently, out of the more than half-a-million adult fighting men who left Egypt under the leadership of Moses, only TWO of them entered the Promised Land, or in other words; only two met fully their dance with destiny. Only two out of more than 600,000 warriors, and I use that term loosely, would discover their fullest potential in their lifetime.


When we SERVE a God as BIG as ours, it’s a disgrace that so many Christ-followers today under-serve, under-achieve, and under-believe what God has given us the ability to accomplish through His power and Spirit.

“But my servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit and has followed me fully, I will bring into the land into which he went, and his descendants shall possess it.” Numbers 14:24

We need more people today that have IT. We need more people today like Joshua and Caleb:

  • People who have VISION when others only see a television screen or a computer monitor.
  • People with FAITH to conquer the mountain when others are hiding in caves of fear.
  • People who GIVE generously while others are prisoners of self-gratifying consumption.
  • People who SERVE others with compassion while most people drowned in the absorption of self.
  • People who say God is ABLE when others are filling the pulpits with ‘scholarly’ doubt.
  • People who know the COST, SACRIFICE, and TENACITY that the Great Commission must be met with and are willing to pay the price of blood, sweat, and tears to follow the heartbeat of Jesus.
  • People who have IT, while the rest of their generation wade in spiritual mediocrity and religious indifference.

It was IT that made Caleb as strong and tenacious spiritually at 85 as he was when he was 40… if not stronger. IT, is attributed to a “different spirit.”

In an Aquafina world, Christ is calling us to live with Gatorade INTENSITY for Him. Do you have IT?

Is IT in you?

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