Text: Psalm 31:1-24

“I trust in you, O Lord; I say, ‘You are my God.’ My future is in your hand.” — Psalm 31:14-15

The Houston Astros just won the World Series to claim the franchise’s first MLB championship in its 55 years, prompting some crazed fans to shell out big bucks for an old Sports Illustrated issue that predicted this would happen three years ago. The magazine featuring the story behind the prediction was published on June 30, 2014, but full copies of the magazine have sold on eBay auctions over the past few days for an average price of $280 each. One issue sold for $1,025!

In June 2014, the Astros were the laughing stock of the league after coming off of three consecutive seasons with 105 losses or more and sitting on a 36-48 record midway through the season. They had been so bad that they were putting up 0.0 local television ratings and were the byword of baseball jokes, when a guy named Ben Reiter wrote a story that boldly predicted the Astros would be the World Series champions in 2017. What’s more, the man SI featured on the cover of that magazine, rookie George Springer, went on to win the 2017 World Series MVP!

What did Ben Reiter see that others didn’t see three years ago?

Reiter didn’t just look at the present standings; he did an in-depth study of the entire organization as they prepared for the draft and considered how the front office was planning for the future. The way the Astros had seemingly woven old-fashioned scouting with modern metrics to develop young championship-caliber talent was written as “Baseball’s Great Experiment.” The Sports Illustrated cover captioned: An Unprecedented Look At How a Franchise Is Going Beyond Moneyball To Build the Game’s Next Big Thing.

The Astros didn’t become champions overnight. Something was working for them long before they arrived at this pinnacle: their front office was actively doing something favorable behind the scenes, though not immediately obvious on the field, which had them heading in the direction of future success.

Isaiah was a prophet who spoke of the God “who acts on behalf of the one who waits for Him” (Isaiah 64:4). As followers of Jesus, we have been drafted by the “author and finisher of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2), who also serves as the living Mediator in the front office of our lives (Hebrews 9:15). He is always working on our behalf (Philippians 2:13). Even though sometimes it feels like we are on a losing streak, and our ratings are low, God is making sure that everything works according to His purpose and our future good (Romans 8:28, Jeremiah 29:11, Philippians 1:6).

Even in the most difficult seasons, the ownership in the front office of your life will never fail you. That front office promises you:

Like the Houston Astros, your front office has seen your future—and it is GOOD!

Therefore, in the confidence of the Psalmist, you can boldly declare: “I trust in you, O Lord; I say, ‘You are my God.’ My future is in your hand” (Psalm 31:14-15).

Think about that as you abide in Him this week.


Heavenly Father, we thank you for actively working in our lives each day to bring about your glory and our good. We trust your plan even in times of disappointment. Because you are good and your steadfast love endures forever, our future is eternally bright. We look forward to that crown that will never fade. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Questions for Reflection and/or Family Discussion:

  1. When you read Psalm 31, what stands out most about God? About man?
  2. Is there a pain in this chapter with which you can identify?
  3. God promises strength to those who wait for Him. Why do you think God lets us go through seasons of waiting? What does waiting produce in us?
  4. From the bulleted list of promises above, which one resonates most with you at this moment? Why?
  5. In what ways can you remind yourself this week that the front office of your life is active in shaping something very good for your future?

*In case you were wondering who Ben Reiter predicts will win the 2020 World Series, it’s the New York Yankees.

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