Looking for Holy Week resources for kids?

Holy Week, for members of the Christian faith, is the last week of the season of Lent before the celebrations of Easter Sunday, running from Palm Sunday to Holy Saturday. It is a time to commemorate, reflect upon, and reenact, specifically, the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, though many liturgies expand that practice to include his entire ministry.


The Days of Holy Week

In Western Christianity, each day of Holy Week has its own significance and particular celebrations. In general, believers are encouraged to follow the biblical passages corresponding to the days the Week represents, beginning with Christ’s entry into Jerusalem on a donkey (Palm Sunday), moving through the Last Supper (Maundy Thursday) and the Crucifixion (Good Friday) to the Resurrection of Easter.

Attention to the Bible highlights the contrast between the sadness and suffering of the beginning of the week with the miraculous and joyous nature of its ending. That both sorts of emotions are important to the Week’s observance is evidenced in the Easter Triduum, the three days from Good Friday to Easter, which are considered by many denominations to be the holiest days of the year.

As we head into the sacred time of Passion Week, here are some Holy Week resources for celebrating with your kids:

Looking for activities?

Faith at home has some good suggestions on activities to participate in with children.

And Little Takas has a variety of coloring pages available for children of all ages.

Some great resources from the Iowa Farmer. Scroll down for ideas for a Last Supper with kids.

And a Messianic Passover for Families with Children

Here are some printable Stations of the Cross for Kids

And here are simple directions for making palm crosses

Or you might like to consider making Resurrection eggs

Want to do some Easter gardening?

Or make this Easter garden from Ann Voskamp with your kids.

Or this simpler Easter Resurrection Garden 

Looking for recipes?

Think of making Crown of Thorn bread

or the traditional English treat for Good Friday Hot cross buns

how about these creative Easter story cookies

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