Text: Hebrews 11:1-40

“Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God.” —Hebrews 11:16

I once heard a missionary say, “When God called me, I thought for sure He had made His first mistake,” underlining his initial feelings of inadequacy. But if we learn anything from those difference makers in Hebrews 11 who rocked their world, we come to understand they were very flawed people. They certainly weren’t specimens of perfection. In fact, many of them failed often. I imagine they also had feelings of unworthiness.

The men and women we read about in what some describe as this “Hall of Faith” are not there because they were great people; they are there because they had faith in a great God. Consider them and others mentioned in the Bible. Abraham was the father of faith and yet he lied twice about Sarah being his wife because, well, he lacked faith. Their son Isaac did the same thing. Sarah laughed at God’s promise of a child and then denied she laughed. Isaac’s son Jacob lied, connived, and manipulated.

Noah got drunk. Samson was immoral and impulsive. Gideon was timid and afraid. Rahab was a prostitute. David was an adulterer and a murderer. Elijah was depressed and suicidal at one point. Jonah ran from God. The Samaritan woman was divorced more than once. Peter outright denied Christ in public. These people messed up, but God used them despite their flaws and failures—despite their past.

God doesn’t want us getting stuck in a pit of unworthiness; He wants us to get past our past. Past our fears. Past our shame. Past our regrets. Past our complacency. Past our excuses. He offers restoration and redemption for those who are contrite enough to admit their inadequacies, walk in repentance, and put their faith fully in Christ and the sufficiency of His righteousness alone.

Maybe you’ve struggled with feelings of inadequacy, found yourself in a lapse of faith, or felt stuck in the mire of failure. We need to remember that God never gives up on us. The same God who bankrupted heaven in sending His Son into this world to shed His sinless blood on Calvary’s cross for your salvation is the same God who will move any mountain and cross any sea to finish the work He began in you (Philippians 1:6).

God doesn’t make mistakes. He knew what He was doing when He chased you down. He knew what He was getting into with all the drama in your life—and yet He still pursued you. He called you, beloved, and “the gifts and calling of God are without repentance” (Romans 11:29). He will bring your redemption story to completion. Think about that as you seek to abide in Him this week!


God, you have never made a mistake. Your calling on my life is unapologetically without regret. You bankrupted heaven to bring me into your family and you will stop at nothing to ensure that your work is completed in my life. What an awesome avalanche of grace you have initiated! Thank you for loving me withal my fears, flaws, and failures. Help me to rise above them all and serve you fully. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Questions for Reflection and/or Family Discussion:

  1. What do you consider the greatest example of faith you have ever seen? Why?
  2. With which characters named in Hebrews 11 would you most like and least like to trade places? Why?
  3. How do you think those individuals commended in this chapter were looked upon by those of their day?
  4. When have you felt trapped by feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness?
  5. This week, how can you shift your focus from your own insufficiency to the all-sufficient God of your life?

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