Gideon Bible Story for Kids

Gideon Bible story camp theme or VBS curriculum is based on the Old Testament book of Judges. This resilient “overcomer” story will resonate with kids in many ways—Gideon was born into family hardship, his future looked bleak, he struggled with injustices, his people were forced into “social distancing” due to Midianite oppression, he had feelings of insecurity and inferiority, he faced insurmountable odds, and yet he saw God come through despite those odds. Gideon came to see that His LORD was the GOD OVER ALL THINGS (G.O.A.T.).

This resource was designed as a camp curriculum for children 8-12 years of age but can also serve as a VBS theme, a 5-week Sunday morning children’s ministry teaching series, Sunday School curriculum, Backyard Bible club, or kids’ sports camp curriculum. It’s also a fitting resource for homeschooling parents, or those facilitating their own Vacation Bible School during times of “social distancing” due to Covid-19.

  • (DAY ONE) God Has a Plan Even When Life is Hard
  • (DAY TWO) God Wants Us to Worship Him Alone
  • (DAY THREE) God Is Bigger Than Our Doubts and Fears
  • (DAY FOUR) God Wants Us to Trust and Rely On Him
  • (DAY FIVE) Jesus is The One True King

Get it HERE

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