“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much.” (Luke 16:10)

My son has an affinity with photography. After his grandmother gave him a camera for his thirteenth birthday, Zach began shooting photos of everyday nature, charming landscapes, and an array of stunning aesthetics. Some of his best work is macro photography—extreme close-up shots of very small subjects.

By some definitions, a macro photograph is one in which the size of the subject on the negative or image sensor is life size or greater. Seeing nature through macro photography causes you to slow down and see small things with greater vividness, clarity, and occasional wonder. When I’m looking at the pictures my son captures I am often awestruck by the finer details of little things that would normally go unnoticed apart from the zoom of an optical lens.

From Genesis to Revelation, we have a timeless lens in which to view how God uses small things:

A basket to preserve the life of a future slave liberator. A staff that ends up parting the Red Sea. A simple little slingshot and five stones in the hands of a teenage boy, leading to the conquest of an oppressor and setting the stage for a just and righteous king to take the throne. A little boy’s lunch that is multiplied to feed thousands of hungry people. A couple of coins that a poor widow drops in the offering box. A baby in a manger. An teenage mother. A cup of water. Faith the size of a mustard seed.

Small things are obviously very important to God. During His earthly ministry, Jesus taught His disciples this ageless principle: “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much” (Luke 16:10). The Bible even warns us not to despise the day of small things (Zechariah 4:10). Seeing the significance of small things reveals much about the condition of our heart.

Recently, a friend of ours sent a “small” gift in relation to our missions work in Germany. The note said, “It wasn’t much, but I’m glad it reached you.” I quickly reminded our dear friend that nothing is ever small when done with great kindness. As I wrote about in Five Loaves, Two Fish, your little is never too small in the hands of a big God.

There’s an old Geoff Moore song that I keep on my playlist. It’s called Only A Fool. The chorus goes like this:

Show me the big in the small
Show me the beauty in the call
Show me the road that I should choose
I’ll take the job only a fool could do

Show me the big in the small
Show me the wonder of my call
Even when no one else approves
I’ll take the job only a fool could do

Where might you need to get a better perspective on the big in the small? Where might God be whispering for you to slow down, zoom in, and see things through the lens of His finer wisdom? Consider this as you take time to abide in His Word this week.


Heavenly Father, you have placed significant value on the little things in life. Help us to see life through the lens of your enhanced perspective and infinite wisdom, that we might give great importance to the things that matter to you, whether the world deems them important or not. Help us to see the big in the small. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

God wants us to see the BIG in the small. Faithfulness in the little things reveals much about our heart. Tweet this

Questions for Reflection and/or Family Discussion:

  1. What are some of your favorite photos? Why?
  2. When have you seen something big come out of something small?
  3. How does being faithful in the small day-to-day things help us with bigger things that God may want to entrust to us?
  4. What can being faithful in smaller things reveal about your heart?
  5. With what situation or area do you need God to give you more enhanced perspective and greater wisdom?


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