In a recent post, Matthew Gillogly asks a riveting question: Would You Risk Your Reputation To Build God’s Dream In Your Heart?

We don’t live in a culture where taking risks is rewarded. But as Christian entrepreneurs and leaders, we must understand that our business ventures and motivation are driven by something other than money, success, comfort, security, power and prestige… and oftentimes to build a God-inspired dream, we must be willing to give up these luxuries as well as our own reputation. We must be willing to take RISKS for God’s dream to be shaped in us…

Gillogly expounds on this:

To be an entrepreneur is one thing. To be an entrepreneur in the kingdom of God is a completely different deal. There are very few in the world who understand your motive to start your own business. Even less in the Kingdom of God.

We have taken Christianity and made it something safe and secure, when in reality, it is anything but safe and secure. Life as a believer and follower of Jesus is a fire haired ride on a roller coaster, while the world waits in line for the safety, security and predictably of the Merry Go Round.

Society and the church throw shackles on our legs to keep us from making any mistakes or taking any risks. After all, we can’t see a brother or sister in Christ fall, it would be a stain on the body.

Name me one leading character in the Bible who didn’t completely lose their reputation in the eyes of man. Go ahead, take a look, there isn’t one. Abraham, David, Paul, Peter, John, Moses, Job oh and a guy named Jesus. All lost their reputation in the eyes of man, allowed God to resurrect them in his image to then build a reputation with God that far surpasses those built on earth.

Read the full article here…

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