Time: Through the Looking Glass

If we don't use our time wisely, it will become a villain to us, rather than a gift. Spiritual lessons from Alice: Through the Looking Glass.

The Joseph Story: Your Pain is Shaping a Legacy

Joseph came from a dysfunctional family but was destined for leadership. Though he suffered greatly, he never felt cheated or victimized. He believed it was all part of a glorious

His Mercies Are New Every Morning

His mercies are new every morning. This truth gave enduring hope and comfort to Jeremiah in a time of pain and severe affliction.

2016: The Year Truth Was Irrelevant

Each year, Oxford Dictionaries chooses a word or expression to “reflect the passing year in language.” This year they chose "post-truth" to define 2016.

The Prayer of St. Francis: Make Me an Instrument

The following prayer, known as the Prayer of St Francis, is a perfect one to pray when you are seeking to live in peace and joy.

Increase Our Faith

The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith” (Luke 17:5). To increase our faith, we need to be willing to stretch the ordinary faith muscle we already have.

Into the New Year, God Goes Before Us

We should be comforted by the fact that we will face nothing in the future that God hasn't already confronted on our behalf.

20 Inspiring Bible Verses to Bring in the New Year

Bring in the New Year with God's promises on your heart! Meditate on these encouraging Bible verses to cultivate a deeper intimacy with God and foster a rejuvenated faith this

New Year’s Self Evaluation and Introspection

When we don’t take time to reflect on our previous season, we miss opportunities to grow into new seasons that life affords us.

Colombia Plane Crash Survivor Was Reading Bible When Plane Went Down

Colombia plane crash survivor, Helio Neto, was reading Psalm 63 when plane went down: ‘For You Have Been My Help’