Father’s Day Thoughts: “Godly Men Shouldn’t Be Weenies”

As an official card-carrying member of the John Eldredge book club, I have read all of his books except for his latest, Walking with God, which is next on my

Spider-Man 3: The Ugly Side of Superheroes

We all have the decadent tendency to turn into something very ugly apart from God’s grace. That’s why we must walk in that grace everyday.

I Am David: The Resiliency of the Human Spirit

"I Am David" is a film adapted from Anne Holm's internationally acclaimed novel North to Freedom and is one of my sentimental favorites.

Colossal Faith pt. 2 – “mastering our fears”

In my previous post, I wrote about “colossal faith.” This was the faith exhibited in Caleb’s life as he stood against his doubts and conquered an enemy who had paralyzed

Colossal Faith: “Give Me This Mountain”

Caleb, now 85-years-old, stood firmly at the base of an enormous enemy hillside and cried out “Give me this mountain.”

Batman and More of Jesus

“Learn to worship God as the God who does wonders, who wishes to prove in you that He can do something supernatural and divine.” – Andrew Murray My son, Zachary,