No more Mr. Nice Guy! Freedom from “people-pleasing”

“No more Mister Nice Guy…” I think Alice Cooper had the right idea! It is so easy to get caught up in making “pleasing people” our mission in life. Especially

Renouncing “Comfort” as the Ultimate Value of Your Life

“The decision to grow always involves a choice between risk and comfort. This means that to be a follower of Jesus you must renounce comfort as the ultimate value of

Francis Chan on the New “Middle Road”

Too many professing Christians want to take a new “middle road” today. But Francis Chan reminds us of the words of Jesus that describe our journey as a narrow road

Change Your Words – Change Your life!

Our WORDS tend to be the thing that gets us into trouble more than any other thing in our lives. Our WORDS have tremendous consequence don’t they? Words can be

In The Trenches pt.2: “Playmakers and Critics”

Organizations, businesses, ministries, and churches today need more ‘Playmakers,’ not more critics! There is no shortage of the latter, but always a shortage of the former. Playmakers change the game

In The Trenches pt.1: “Fight the Right Battles”

Last year, I taught on a series of messages called In The Trenches. I had been going back over the notes of that series recently and was reminded of some

Leadership Lessons from Smokey Robinson

Smokey Robinson delivers some great words of wisdom for young aspiring entertainers at the 2010 SXSW Music and Media Conference & Festival. “America’s greatest living poet” says get a thick

5 Secrets of Highly Effective Communication

As a leader you must be able to clearly communicate your organization’s strategy, vision and value. Stacey Hanke of MORE Magazine offers five strategies to help you communicate with impact

Craig Sanders: Three Ways to Break Negativity

We all have a negative response internally, to a negative occurrence that took place externally. “It is the basic stimulus response modality,” says Craig Sanders. Although we can’t control the

The Battle for a Generation

I love these words adapted from Ron Hutchcraft’s book, “A Battle for a Generation,” pp 11-12. Never in the history of the Life Saving Service (set up to rescue people