5 Pillars of Excellence

Five Pillars of Excellence 1. Commitment There can be no success without commitment. You must be willing to give yourself to the cause or vision when it is convenient or

Leadership Lessons from NBA Coach Avery Johnson

Avery Johnson overcame the odds as a player in the NBA. Despite going undrafted in the 1988 NBA Draft, Johnson went on to play 16 seasons in the league for

Guest Post from recording artist Tammy Trent: “Forget It!”

Today’s blog post is an entry from guest contributor, Tammy Trent. Tammy is a focused recording artist, author and speaker. Her ministry reaches all around the world, taking on such

Like Frodo, your story is worth telling… and darn well worth fighting for!

Remember what stories are worth telling… Frodo and Sam are in Osgiliath. It’s under evil attack. Frodo is becoming entranced by the power of the Ring and he appears incoherent

Change Your Words. Change Your World.

Thank you @PastorJarrod for this link. The words we choose can make all the difference! Leaders should remember this when casting VISION.

A Practical, ‘Tough’ Guide to Forgiveness: It’s Never Easy

At times, nothing can be harder than choosing to forgive. But in the end, there is nothing more liberating that forgiveness.

William Wilberforce: Unstoppable force of faith, justice, and compassion

I love the story of William Wilberforce as told in the film Amazing Grace. Wilberforce labored for the cause of social justice for forty-six years, often facing extreme opposition

Want to give up? You’re in the company of world changers!

One of the greatest lessons we can learn from Joseph's life is that there will always be more opportunities to quit than there are opportunities to conquer. Our dreams

A DREAM or VISION which costs nothing and demands nothing is worth nothing

A DREAM or VISION which costs nothing and demands nothing is worth nothing. Leaders, if we’re going to realize our dreams and materialize our vision, we’re going to have to

Let the enemy hear you say, “I have not yet begun to fight.”

On 14 August, 1779, American naval Captain John Paul Jones sailed from Brest, France, in charge of a squadron of four vessels. The French gave him an old ship,