Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

I read these great thoughts on teamwork this morning: “For there to be teamwork, several things must happen. First, team members must genuinely believe that the value of the team’s

15 Statements to Get You Unstuck

1. By God’s grace I am what I am. 2. I’m not finished growing, I keep moving forward. 3. I’m not a victim. I’m privileged to glorify Christ through suffering.

Sunday Conversation with Ray Lewis

Regardless of how you feel about Ray Lewis, his impact upon his team is indisputable. Like him, or hate him, the Baltimore Ravens would not be World Champions without him.

12 Daily Affirmations For Christian Leaders

God created only one model with my exact DNA. He specifically selected my parents, siblings, race, nationality, mental capacity, physical features and time in history. Like any responsible artist, architect,

Your Passion and the World’s Greatest Need

Theologian Frederick Buechner noted that, “vocation is where our greatest passion meets the world’s greatest need.” I believe all of us have the capacity to live out our passion in

Crazy People Change the World

An Apple commercial from 1997 has Steve Jobs narrating these words: Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the

Walt Disney Leadership Lessons: The Best Ideas are Born in Adversity

For Walt, his greatest ADVERSITY always brought about his greatest IDEAS. Opposition for him always pushed him to greater levels of imagination and resolve. Perhaps that’s why he was able

Somebody’s Angel (Mandisa): Christmas Outreach

Christmas outreach to prisoners' kids, inner-city children, under-served communities, and juvenile detention centers.

How to Respond to the Newtown Tragedy

RESPONDING TO THE NEWTOWN TRAGEDY Ecclesiastes 8:14 “Sometimes something useless happens on earth. Bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to Bad people.” (NCV)

Is Being Fearless Overrated?

I don’t know how else to make a movie except to try and find some aspect of the experience that I haven’t done before. Because if I’ve done it before,