Category: Uncategorized
Leadership Lessons: Charlie Brown and Snoopy
The Peanuts gang taught us a great deal about life and laughter. They also reveal some great perspectives on the art of leadership. 1. Persevere Through Adversity No matter how
Esther: Taking Those Necessary Risks
If we want to be part of the bigger picture of life, we must be willing to do the same thing Esther did: we must be willing to renounce comfort
Ultimate Fighters: Teddy Roosevelt and The Apostle Paul
I’ve had this quote from Theodore Roosevelt’s “The Man In The Arena” speech displayed in my office for years: It is not the critic who counts; not the man who
Annoy Them. Live to Irritate… and Inspire!
Live your life in such a way that it makes it very hard for other people to drift into mediocrity. Annoy them with your passion. Perturb them with your conviction
Hey Dumbo, Stay Stupid!
Michael Hyatt shared this quote from Do The Work (Steven Pressfield) on his blog and I had to repost it! Great stuff! The three dumbest guys I can think of:
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
I read these great thoughts on teamwork this morning: “For there to be teamwork, several things must happen. First, team members must genuinely believe that the value of the team’s
15 Statements to Get You Unstuck
1. By God’s grace I am what I am. 2. I’m not finished growing, I keep moving forward. 3. I’m not a victim. I’m privileged to glorify Christ through suffering.
Sunday Conversation with Ray Lewis
Regardless of how you feel about Ray Lewis, his impact upon his team is indisputable. Like him, or hate him, the Baltimore Ravens would not be World Champions without him.
12 Daily Affirmations For Christian Leaders
God created only one model with my exact DNA. He specifically selected my parents, siblings, race, nationality, mental capacity, physical features and time in history. Like any responsible artist, architect,