William Booth: Prophet of the Poor

“The Prophet of the Poor”: born into poverty, and worked in the midst of poverty his whole life. When he died, 150,000 people filed by his casket, and 40,000 attended

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. ~ Robert Louis Stevenson My hero is my mom. As a teenager, she became

Discard the Outcast and You Forfeit Tremendous Leadership Potential

Denny’s Story (adapted from Jimmy Larche’s book 13-Foot Coffins) In Judges 11, Israel cast out Jephthah because he was a son of a prostitute, but later begged him to come

Safe Theology. Dangerous Life.

I love these thoughts Noah Kaye wrote down after hearing Floyd McClung speak on values, safe theology, and what is really dangerous.

Your Playing Small Doesn’t Serve Anyone Well

I highlighted this quote by Marianne Williamson in a book I’m reading: Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond

Moneyball and Leadership: Get Bloodied!

Ronald Reagan once said, “A leader, once convinced a particular course of action is the right one, must have the determination to stick with it and be undaunted when the

Tough Leadership Decisions

Any leader knows the tension of making a difficult decision. Here are some of the guidelines I have used over the years in executing difficult decisions. I haven’t always gotten

Chick-fil-a Leadership Goal: Focus on BETTER, not BIGGER

At the height of the dialogue, Truett Cathy the founder of Chick-fil-a began to pound on the table, which was very uncharacteristic of this admirable leader. When every eye in

Tony Dungy: Teaching Values to Your Kids

Troy Vincent, Vice President of NFL Player Engagement, and Tony Dungy share some of the ways they try to instill values into their children. What values do you seek to

The Prayer God Will Answer Immediately

Floyd McClung: "I challenge you to pray this prayer... I guarantee that He will answer your prayer – and quickly."