Six Things I Think Jesus Might Say to Richard Sherman

You don’t need to be defined by what happened Sunday night.

Procter and Gamble Mom Commercial

Step 1: Watch this clip. Step 2: Pick up the phone. Step 3: Call your mom. Step 4: Tell her you love her. Procter and Gamble Mom Commercial: New ad

Five Things Servant Leaders Do

Thoughts from King David’s servant leadership (Psalm 143)… “And in your steadfast love you will cut off my enemies, and you will destroy all the adversaries of my soul, for

10 Challenges for the New Year

This New Year, get comfortable with your own skin. Stop trying to be someone else. No one else can be you. Only you can.

E.M. Bounds on Church Trends and Methods

WE are constantly on a stretch, if not on a strain, to devise new methods, new plans, new organizations to advance the Church and secure enlargement and efficiency for the

Trust in clergy hits record lows

Trust in clergy is at its lowest levels among Americans, a new survey has found. According to the Gallup poll, only 47% of the over 1,000 American adults surveyed said

Outreach to Prisoners’ Children

This afternoon is Breakaway’s Christmas party for prisoners’ children. The United States has the largest prison population in the Western world. In 2006, over 2.2 million men and women were

30 Christian Pick Up Lines

Some of the best old and new Christian pick up lines: 1. “Is your name Faith? ‘Cause you’re the substance of things I’ve hoped for.’” 2. “Let me check out

Millennials: Developing the Next Generation

In an interview with Forbes, Haydn Shaw, a researcher of generational differences for over twenty years, talks about why Millennials leave companies after a brief period of time and what

Jay Mohr Nascar Monologue

Loved this monologue by Jay Mohr at Nascar's Champions Week banquet!