Walt Disney’s Obsession With Excellence: Plussing

Walt Disney was a man committed to excellence and to giving his customers more than they expect. He called it “plussing.”

Is Discrimination Against Christians a Serious Problem in U.S.?

Nearly 50% of Americans believe discrimination against Christians in the U.S. has become as big of a problem as discrimination against other ethnic and religious groups.

Summer Camp for At-Risk Youth: In Their Words

"This is the funnest thing on earth." Breakaway Outreach's summer camp for prisoners' kids, at-risk youth, and underprivileged children.

Living The Missional Adventure

When Jesus invited us into his missional adventure, he wasn't just calling us into sporadic serve projects or events we choose to volunteer for here and there.

Francis Chan – How NOT To Make Disciples

Want to know how NOT to make disciples? In this humorous and insightful two minute video clip from the Verge Conference, Francis Chan answers that question.

Optimism Breeds a Culture of Hope

Optimism: Studies show that optimists handle stress better, recover from surgery faster, and are more resilient in recovering from disease.

ISIS Gets a Video Letter From the People of the Cross

A video letter to ISIS which has been viewed more than 430,000 times. The Gospel is clearly offered to the men who have persecuted Christians in the Middle East and

Breakaway Summer Camp: Fearless

Breakaway's summer camp for children of prisoners, at-risk youth, and disadvantage kids. Our theme this year was "Fearless." Kids learned five daily principles.

Summer Camp Fun: Hillbilly Basketball

Summer Camp Fun: Uncle Wilbert takes campers through the School of Hillbilly Basketball at Breakaway Outreach Kidz Camps.

Summer Camp Testimony: A Changed Life!

Summer Camp Testimony: I want to post a testimony from the mother of a youth who has been impacted by this incredible ministry.