Joseph the Dreamer: From These Ashes I Will Rise

I have always been inspired by the Genesis story of Joseph. It’s a remarkable account of one who experienced unimaginable pain and disappointment, although never growing bitter.
I have always been inspired by the Genesis story of Joseph. It’s a remarkable account of one who experienced unimaginable pain and disappointment, although never growing bitter.
This summer camp theme and VBS curriculum is based on the Old Testament story of Joseph. It teaches children how to grow a strong and resilient faith.
"Among Lions" is a four-session youth Bible study series for teens and young adults, featuring lessons from the Old Testament story of Daniel.
"Braveheart" is a four-session youth Bible study series for teens and young adults, featuring lessons from the Old Testament story of Gideon (book of Judges).
Gideon Bible story camp theme or VBS curriculum on the Old Testament book of Judges. This resilient “overcomer” story will resonate with kids in many ways.
Holy Week, for members of the Christian faith, is the last week of the season of Lent before the celebrations of Easter Sunday, running from Palm Sunday to Holy Saturday.
It can be challenging to create rich and meaningful conversations about thanksgiving. The predictable “What do you feel thankful for?” just doesn't always cut it.
Holy Week Resources: As we head into the sacred time of Passion Week, here are some Holy Week resources for celebrating with your kids.