Rising Above the Hostility of This Age

God never puts us in a time and place to merely conform to our environment, but to “come out and be separate,” as a people who are different.
God never puts us in a time and place to merely conform to our environment, but to “come out and be separate,” as a people who are different.
Psalm 112 speaks of a person with a Good News heart in a bad news world. His heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.
I once preached a sermon series called “Big ‘Buts’ in the Bible.” Yep, you read that right. “But” is a very important word. In Greek it is the word “alla.”
What makes people want to count others more significant than themselves? In Paul's estimation, the answer is found in Philippians 2.
It’s been said that you can impress people from a distance, but you can’t influence them without getting close.
Whenever we leave the Lord out of our labor, we sabotage our own endeavors and undermine our own hard work.
Changing the world doesn’t have to sound intimidating, it’s simply a matter of saying “yes” to Jesus regarding those in your path of responsibility or proximity of influence.
None of us are immune to slumps in life. What makes the Bible so relatable is that when we read about a person’s strengths we also get the revelation of
Have you ever felt stuck between two chapters in your life—a place where it doesn’t seem like there is much purpose and God has subtly moved on without you?
The muscle car wasn’t defined by a garage; it found its identity in its robust design, its authority in the matchless power under the hood, and its purpose in the