Category: Leadership & Vision
The God of Second Chances

They called him “Wrong Way” Roy. His gaffe on New Year’s Day, 1929, is often cited as the worst blunder in college football history.
Mercy at the Bottom

When a humpback whale off Herring Cove Beach swallowed Michael Packard, it was utter darkness for the veteran lobster diver.
God’s Megaphone of Pain

C.S. Lewis said, "God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world."
When Believers Must Learn From Unbelievers

Pagan sailors seem to have more sensitivity and awareness to things God is doing around them than does Jonah, who ironically is a “prophet.”
Educated Beyond Our Level of Obedience

It’s been said that most Christians are educated way beyond their level of obedience. As a prophet, Jonah waseducated in the things of God.
Jim Elliot: Make Me a Crisis Man
Jim Elliot was a missionary to tribal people and died as a young man, speared by the very people he was seeking to bring to Jesus.
Failure Is a Part of The Story
As we come to the conclusion of our devotional series in the study of Gideon, we see that one of Israel’s most famed heroes doesn’t finish strong as a leader.
Downsizing: How God Sets You Up for Success
Downsizing is something that God has used throughout history as a peculiar means of positioning His people for something really big.
Putting a Fleece Before The Lord
Gideon puts God to the test in order to guarantee an improbable victory. Was it commendable, or was it the desperate act of a weak and insecure faith?
Making God in Our Image
“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us,” wrote A.W. Tozer.