Category: Global Church Issues
A True Peace Miracle From WWII

12-year-old Fritz Vincken and his mother were retreated in a hunting cottage in the Ardennes Forest, during the Battle of the Bulge.
If You Are Not Firm in Faith
Ahaz was an ancient king facing fear of the unknown and anxiety about what was coming next, as an alliance of adversaries were moving in on his city
Resilience: Facing Your New Reality
Resilience is in our DNA as created beings. We are built to weather storms. The virtue of being able to adapt to stressful life changes and “bounce back” from hardship
How To Survive Pandemic, Pressure
At the time, the Thresher was the fastest and quietest nuclear submarine ever built. She also had the most advanced weapons system to date. But in one tragic event in
Hope Is Rising
Malachi’s generation needed to remember that it wasn’t a matter of “if” the Sun of Righteousness would come, but “when” He appeared, all things would be made new.
When God Goes Before Us
For those of us living in the U.S., authorities say that the next couple of weeks will be the most critical regarding the Covid-19 pandemic. This will be our “peak.”
Coronavirus: “The Bitterest Part”
In Italy, thousands of families have been devastated by Coronavirus. When infected patients are hospitalized, their loved ones cannot visit them due to the contagion.
Coronavirus and Social Distancing: 5 Things to Remember
For this week’s Abiding In Him devotion, I want to share with you five things we can remember during an unprecedented time of social distancing.
Coronavirus and “One Anothering”
There are over 60 “one another” commands in the New Testament that reveal God’s passion for His children.
Top Google Search: How To Heal
“You’re never as honest as you are with your search engine,” said a Google data editor. How to heal was a top search in 2021.