When Facing Your Red Sea

Though Israel’s situation looked bleak, God assures them that the coming events, regardless of how they are perceived, are governed by his power and purposes.

What Causes Fights Among You?

Our spiritual poverty is always a result of not leaning into God’s grace. We become self-absorbed and toxic when we fail to depend on God to meet our needs.

When Worship is a Waste of Time

The prophet Isaiah found himself in the midst of a crooked generation that was wasting their time in certain religious practices and they didn’t even realize it.

Taming the Tongue

Remember the old saying, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”? What a lie that turned out to be! Words do hurt.

Big ‘Buts’ in the Bible

I once preached a sermon series called “Big ‘Buts’ in the Bible.” Yep, you read that right. “But” is a very important word. In Greek it is the word “alla.”

The Risk You Must Take

What makes people want to count others more significant than themselves? In Paul's estimation, the answer is found in Philippians 2.

IOUS Bible Approach

The I-O-U-S approach keeps us from rushing into Bible reading flippantly, missing the Holy Spirit's guidance in our quiet time.

Your Delays Are Not Defeats

Even when His plan seems to be interrupted at times, as in Ezra’s account, the Almighty steps in at just the right time to unveil His redemptive plan.

Unless The Lord Builds the House

Whenever we leave the Lord out of our labor, we sabotage our own endeavors and undermine our own hard work.

Don’t Take Rejection Too Personally

Where God’s enterprise and His glory is your goal, man’s rejection will always be embraced as divine redirection into greater purpose.