Educated Beyond Our Level of Obedience

It’s been said that most Christians are educated way beyond their level of obedience. As a prophet, Jonah waseducated in the things of God.

Your Safe Might Be Pretty Dangerous

In his book A Simple and Profound Call to Live Like Jesus, Floyd McClung wrote about “cozy Christians” and their “safe” theology.

To Be Fully Known, Fully Loved

Our sin doesn’t have to shame us, isolate us, or imprison us. We can be fully known, truly loved, and beautifully redeemed.

Refuge for Religious Plate Spinners

In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus said, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

Seeing The Face of God in Uncomfortable Places

Jacob sees the face of God in Esau. How might it change us, and the trajectory of our lives, to begin seeing God’s image in others?

Jacob Wrestles With God

Jacob wrestles with God, as he didn’t have the confidence to stand before Esau because he was hindered by the guilt of the past.

God Turns Our Mess Into a Message

God delights to turn our mess into a message and our darkness into a declaration of His goodness. Mark 5:1-20

Playing The Chameleon

Our family likes playing a party game called “The Chameleon.” It’s a fun game using social deduction to track down an “impostor” among us.

Daniel Bible Study Series for Youth & Young Adults

"Among Lions" is a four-session youth Bible study series for teens and young adults, featuring lessons from the Old Testament story of Daniel.

Misplaced Trust: How Are You ‘Faithing’?

In Isaiah 31, we see God calling His people to stop trusting in man and to begin faithing by trusting in Him during a season of uncertainty.