Billy Graham & the Question God Will Never Ask

Oftentimes when one lamp goes out, the world feels a little darker. But we need to remember that God is faithful in every generation. The question the Lord will never

Cultivating the Soil of Your Heart

Though the Holy Spirit is responsible for producing the fruit in our lives, we are responsible for pulling out the weeds.

Our Refuge in The Storm

God is our refuge in the storm. He wants us to take courage in times of distress and uncertainty. In Psalm 31, David moves from desperate pleas to unbridled praise!

A Super Bowl Underdog

Paul pleaded three times for his weakness to be taken away. Then he learned the spiritual art of letting his life become a canvas for God to magnify Himself through

Wrestling With God: Jacob the Luchador

Jacob wrestles with God in order to get past his past. Like so many people today, he didn't have the confidence to face the future because of the guilt of

When It Feels Like God Doesn’t See You

Hagar reminds us that He is “the God who sees,” and He is watching over us, seeing us, and providing for us in our darkest hour of need.

A Picture of Servant Leadership

The greatest leaders focus on serving the interests of the people they lead rather than building their own reputation.

The Art of Abandonment

What we can learn from the art of abandonment: It's about bringing out a hidden beauty where others only see ruin, decay, or worthlessness.

Desiring Friendship with God Above Accomplishment for God

Entering the Promised Land without God’s presence would still be an accomplishment for the fame of God, yet at the expense of losing friendship with God.