Category: Devotional Series
You Don’t Belong In That Cave
Gideon’s story in the sixth chapter of the book of Judges begins in a time of crisis and desperation. The Israelites had drifted far from God's decrees.
Misplaced Trust: How Are You ‘Faithing’?
In Isaiah 31, we see God calling His people to stop trusting in man and to begin faithing by trusting in Him during a season of uncertainty.
Dealing With Your “Invisible Monsters”
We serve God differently under faith as opposed to discouragement. That’s why our enemy is so intent on discouraging us through critical voices.
What Biblical Leadership Looks Like
Eliashib shows us that servant leadership isn’t a deluxe or supplemental version of leadership; according to Jesus, it's the only kind of leadership.
Build Your Kingdom Here and Opposition
Nehemiah considered the cost of obedience. He understood the kingdom of God always has its opposition.
Be Bold—And Mighty Forces Will Come
We don’t have a resource problem as much as a vision problem. Too often we focus on the dilemma of our needs rather than the blueprints of God’s agenda.
Resistance Training and Unanswered Prayers
Daniel 10 reveals how God’s delays are not so much about unanswered prayers as much as unfinished business.
Ever Felt Like a Spiritual Charlie Brown?
Maybe your prayer life has felt like Charlie Brown trying to kick field goals. You always miss the uprights and end up on your back.
When We Need the “Edification Chair”
I once heard a child psychologist say that for every negative statement a child hears about oneself, they need seven positives to reinforce their self-esteem.