Category: Moses Bible Study
A Bible study series on the life of Moses.
Don’t Be a Knockoff or a Cheap Imitation

God was the Visionary and Moses was merely the project foreman. Amazing things happen when we see our roles rightly in Yahweh’s great big Kingdom enterprise.
“God Is Able” Theology vs. Grasshopper Me-ology
Whatever giants may be standing before you today, let them not meet in you a grasshopper vision or a defeatist attitude.
From Grumbling to Gratitude
The man who led me to faith in Jesus once said, “God has brought you through the ocean, He’s not going to let you drown in the bathtub.”
Faithful Mothers, “and God Knew”
In the second chapter of Exodus we see the faith of a desperate mother in action.
When God Goes Before Us
For those of us living in the U.S., authorities say that the next couple of weeks will be the most critical regarding the Covid-19 pandemic. This will be our “peak.”
When Facing Your Red Sea
Though Israel’s situation looked bleak, God assures them that the coming events, regardless of how they are perceived, are governed by his power and purposes.
Overcoming Grasshopper Vision
Have you ever felt stuck between two chapters in your life—a place where it doesn’t seem like there is much purpose and God has subtly moved on without you?
The Dangers of Complacency
The danger of spiritual complacency is that it is not only acutely self-serving, but it is highly contagious. It's a subtle erosive to our faith.
Never Apologize for a God-Sized Vision, Bold Faith
Never apologize for a God-sized vision or a bold faith. Remember that the mediocre majority always dies in the wilderness, but those "different" spirits always find their Promised Land.
Trusting God with Your Weakness
God had big plans for Moses. Yet, when God called him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses didn’t see himself as the right person for the job.