Courage to Cut Off the Tail of the Lion

A powerful prayer: “God, I am powerless against this great horde that is coming against me. I don’t know what to do, but my eyes are on you.”

The House That God Built

Instead of David building a house for God, God promised to build a house for David, which became realized in the form of a perpetual dynasty.

A Blind Boy in Central Park

There was a blind boy in New York City. Every day he would sit in Central Park with a sign that read: “I am blind, anything helps.”

The Unsinkable Ship

Titanic wasn’t unsinkable. However, we do find an unsinkable boat in the Bible. Not because of its size, but because of who was on it.

Getting Past Your Past

Jesus didn’t heal a blind man just to have him crippled again by judgmental people who wanted to take swipes at his past.

Simple Kind of Man

The classic 70’s song “Simple Man” was written by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Jesus kept it pretty simple when teaching about the soul of a person.

Turning Mourners Into Ministers

Jesus turns mourners into ministers and hurting souls into healing vessels. He turns their mess into a message.

Getting Distracted from Your Purpose

Idle time is the devil’s playground. That seemed to be the case with David as he got distracted by Bathsheba on the rooftop of his palace.

Despised for Dancing

Those who don’t understand your pain will not understand your praise. When they don't know your hurt, they won’t appreciate your hallelujahs!

Sometimes You Gotta Pick a Fight

One man refused to cower to the complacency of his time. He wasn’t going down without a fight. This man, Jonathan, was the king’s son.